Monday, February 25, 2013


New Production Sheets!

I put the baby scene back in (will take place in the butter churning background).  We will just need a pose of the man and baby, and one of him holding the butter churner.  Let me know if this is okay.  It's a pretty big story beat, so I think we might want to have it in there.


  1. Replies
    1. want me to do a close up of him holding the baby? So we can vary up that "shot 4" sequence?

  2. sure, If you want to, I think it would work without it too though, if you'd like to save some time. Might look jump cutty to do that, unless we zoom into that close up.

  3. ok that makes sense. So you think just a character pose will be enough?

  4. New character pose plus blinks...but I wouldnt change the staging, unless you want to do a zoom

  5. Thanks Hillary for putting this together!! :D

    So, I will be finishing up pages 5, 12, 18, 25 (and 23 if I have time), just for everyone's knowledge.

  6. Hi Hilary! I can do the two extra poses, but do you think you could do a quick gesture drawing for me please so that I know exactly what it should look like?


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