Tuesday, February 12, 2013

No Pre-Meeting and probably Thursday meeting

Hey everyone,

I just talked with Cody, he's assigning Kuan so far to draw quick gestures for the first pose of the husband in some of the first sequence in Hillary's board. Chris and Kim should talk to Cody preferably today (call him but it'll be easier if you meet up with him) so that he can give you guys what to help out.

Cody have talked to all of Vis Dev except Bridget so he'll send Bridget an email later for what is left to do because it'll be difficult for Crystal to design the interior and share it. Also, we don't have color comps as of now so a layout design would be fine.

Since Cody will be out Thursday and Hillary on Friday, I'll make the title, what we did this week and David Bowie page so when Vis Dev, Modeler, Animator and Story are done for this week's work, you can upload it on the server and we'll organize it in the morning of BFA.

So we don't need a meeting today or even Thursday unless something else is needed. Just get your stuff on the server.

Thanks everyone!



  1. Sounds good,

    Cody- I'm not able to get back down to campus tonight but I will be there tomorrow night from about 645 to 10 any way we could meet then and talk?

  2. Hey Cody, I was going to call but remembered how much you hate talking on the phone, haha. Then I was about to txt you, but had Barron's. Now we're on break.

    We should talk too. Will you be around the building tomorrow? Hillary and I are still planning on meeting around 9:30 tonight. Would you be free to join that as well? Let us know :)


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