Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Block Stuff

Currently, this is where I'm at with blocking stuff in for my shot. I don't feel like the ideas are really clear yet, but I wanted to post so you guys could see what I'm doing. :)

Also, I currently have page 13 (the two wife poses), so nobody do those. ^_^

**Update with altered cam


  1. Hey Kim,

    I am not an animator so all of my ideas can be completely ignored but I was thinking that the audio sounds pretty dominant. you could maybe push that by bringing in the camera closer and lower so your slightly looking up at her. Give her the dominant stance instead of straight on.

  2. Thanks for the comment on that, Cody. I put an updated shot in the post above that I've moved the camera a little. Is the difference a positive one, do you think? I appreciate the feedback :)


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