Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hey Animators! I have an idea!

Hey gang!
Animators; want to help me draw poses  of the characters for the book?

The book is going to be pretty choppily animated (just a limited number of key poses, no breakdowns).  Also, the drawing style we've got for the project will not translate well to flash drawings (we should draw the character poses in photoshop and plug them into flash). 

Poses will be taken from the animatic.  I've counted the poses for each page so it will be easier to split up the work.  Vis Dev can draw poses too :D  Cody has a great turn around of the main character, that should be plenty to work off of.

Let me know what you think!


  1. Do you just want us to look at the board or do you want particular poses? Let me know so I can get started on some for you :)

  2. I second the comment Chris made. :)

  3. Coolio! Yeah, just look at the board and put the character in the poses:)

  4. How are we going to divide the part so we will not overlap on the drawings?

  5. If you guys want to stop into the BFA lab today we can organize all of the shots. I was going to the same thing for vis dev people that wanted to come in.

  6. I'm going to try and be there around 2pm...we'll see if that happens.


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