Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My thoughts on BunBun-Cow

I have some design ideas I'm going to throw out there. What if we keep the bunny we had, but:
-Change the patterning on it to lean more towards that "classic" black and white cow look
-Make the bell on the neck bigger
-Make black patterns on the paws that look like hooves

Here is a crude mock-up of the painting that exists in our Ebook:

I also was given a suggestion by another member of our class to make the bunny-cow a tab bit smaller than we currently have it, so it's not so big compared to our main troll man.

1 comment:

  1. I think these are valid ideas and we can discuss this tomorrow. As for the cow-look we are trying to see about melding a cow and a bunny to see if we can come up with something that can read as either. Bunny did not believe using a bunny as a cow. Its possible the fixes you suggested can work, but we need to look at other options. We do have we should be able to create anything. Thats the freedom we have, lets not set it aside too soon.


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